ABAP Preview – Video Lesson 11.3: SAP Menu Exit, Screen Exit and Field Exit

This lesson will show you how to create a SAP Menu Exit, a screen exit and a Field Exit.

Other Enhancement Types

  • Menu exit
    Some SAP menus contain entries prepared by SAP, which you can link to your own functionality (customer source code) and activate.
  • Screen exit
    Some screens contain SAP sub-screens areas in which you can integrate your own screens.
  • Field exit
    Customized input checks on SAP screen fields can always be implemented without modifications by means of field exits. This does not require any preparation by SAP.

Furthermore you can overwrite the field documentation and field labels of an SAP data element in the ABAP Dictionary:

  • Overwriting the field documentation
    You can replace the SAP field documentation that is displayed when the user presses F1 with your own texts.
  • Overwriting the field labels
    You can overwrite the different field labels of an SAP data element with your own texts.

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ABAP Preview – Video Lesson 10.4: SAP BAPI

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Video Preview:

This lesson deals with the importance as well as the search for and use of SAP BAPIs.

Business Objects and BAPIs

  • The Business Object Repository (BOR) of the SAP system contains business objects. Formally, a business object is a class and corresponds to a SAP table or a table hierarchy. A Business Object has BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) as methods.
  • You can call these BAPIs to access the corresponding table(s). Hence, a BAPI is a means of accessing the data of the SAP system.

BAPIs usually exist for basic functions of a business object, such as:

  • . Creating an object
  • . Retrieving the attributes of an object
  • . Changing the attributes of an object
  • . Listing the objects

The functions of a BAPI are encapsulated in a function module that can be called up remotely. Therefore, BAPIS can be called by ABAP programs of the same SAP system as well as by external programs.


There are standard methods in the form of BAPIs with standardized names. Some of the most important standard BAPIs are:

Standard BAPIs:

  • GetList
    • Returns a list of available objects that meet the specified selection criteria.
  • GetDetail
    • Returns detailed information (attributes) for an object (the complete key must be specified).
  • Create, Change, Delete, Cancel
    • Allows you to create, change, and delete objects
  • AddItem, RemoveItem
    • Adds and removes subobjects (for example, item for an order)

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ABAP Preview – Video Lesson 12.4: ABAP Debugger

This lesson shows you how to use the ABAP debugger to analyze, correct and trace your code in your program.

ABAP Debugger

  • The Debugger is a programming tool that you can use to execute ABAP programs, by line or by section. With this tool, you can display data objects and check the flow logic of programs.
  • Two types of debugging are currently possible: Debugging with the classic Debugger for release levels up to and including 6.40 or debugging with the new Debugger, which is available for all releases after 6.40.
  • The new Debugger provides the user with a flexible interface that can be configured as required and has more than eight desktops. Here it is possible to place and arrange up to four tools - depending on the user's selection. For example, it is possible to display source texts or structures. In this way, the user can design the Debugger interface according to his own individual requirements.
  • As of Release 6.40, you can select the debugging type as you wish by choosing the classic Debugger or the new Debugger in the ABAP Editor from the path Utilities  → Settings. It is also possible to switch the Debugger at any time during a session under the menu option Debugging.

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ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

There are many ways to find out all the related transparent tables for specific events in SAP transactions. Let's take FI transaction FBL3N - as an example. FBL3N enables users to gather and display information on General Ledger Account line items. Users can view information on all items, or narrow the transaction to include open or cleared ones only. If we wanted to find out all the related tables for the information on all open items we could debug the transaction, or better yet, perform an SQL trace using transaction ST05.


  1. Open transaction FBL3N
  2. On a separate window, open transaction ST05.
  3. Check 'SQL Trace'.
  4. Click 'Activate Trace'.
  5. Go back to T-code FBL3N and execute.
  6. Go back to T-code ST05 and click on 'Deactivate Trace'.
  7. Click on 'Display Trace'.
  8. Analyze the log to obtain all the transparent tables used.

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ABAP Preview: ABAP Debugger – Debug a Pop Up Window

There are times when a specific action of a SAP program needs debugging. If the specific action is executed on a SAP main window, you can type /H into the command bar, press ENTER, and SAP will switch to debugging mode. However, this is not possible when the specific action resides on a SAP Pop-Up window. For these situations, you need to create a special .TXT file to switch SAP to debugging mode.

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ABAP Preview: ABAP Debugger – Creating Watchpoints

Creating Watchpoints

Watchpoints are like "stop signs" for the ABAP Debugger. Sometimes we debug and look for a specific value on an internal table that has more than 1,000 records. Debugging the table on record at a time can be exhaustive and time consuming. To solve this, we can place a watchpoint. Run the debugger, and it will stop at the watchpoint's given value. This video will show you how to accomplish this.


You have a report that prints all the flight information that an airport generates on a daily basis. Your boss asks you to debug the report and find the dates in which only 39 seats were occupied on all flights. To accomplish this task you are going to place watchpoints that look for 39 occupied seats.


  1. Place a breakpoint inside an ABAP Loop.
  2. Run the executable program, function or method.
  3. When the debugger activates, search for Watchpoint and create a new one.
  4. Type the name of the variable and the value you are looking for.
  5. Activate the watchpoint and let the debugger run (F8).It will then stop at the given value.

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ABAP Preview: Display Data Dynamically using ABAP Field Symbols

ABAP Preview: Display Data Dynamically using ABAP Field Symbols

Display Table Data Dynamically using ABAP Field Symbols . This video will show you how to create an ABAP program that will receive as input the name of a transparent table. It will then retrieve all the information from that table with the number of rows specified by the user.

Use of Field Symbols

Objective: Create a program to retrieve data from any table we specify. The program must verify if the table exists. After a successful verification, it will assign the structure type at runtime, and it will retrieve the data from the specified table. Finally it will present the results on the screen.


Create an executable program on transaction SE38.
Declare a field symbol for an internal table of unknown type.
Verify if the specified table exists.
Assign the structure type to the field symbol at runtime.
Select the data from the table.
Display the data on screen

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Create Android Games: Part 10 – Publish your game into an APK file

On this final video, you will test and run your game on a real device. You are now ready to publish your APK file and upload it to the app store of your preference. This video will guide you through the process of publishing your final APK, adding a certificate and establishing a validity period of 25 years for your certificate. The certificate is necessary to
publish your apps in the different stores.

Create Android Games: Part 9 – Add music and sound effects with Audacity

Using audacity, this video shows how to edit your sound effects and music for your game. You will be presented a website on which you can download free sound effects and free background music. At the end of this video your game will contain all the necessary sounds and music to run as a complete playable game. Sounds and music are also configured in the Constants.h file.

Create Android Games: Part 8 – Create Sprite Sheets with SWFSheet and Texture Packer

On this video you will learn to create sprite sheets for your Android game. Sprite sheets are large image files that usually contain all the animation frames plus the extra images your game need such as background images, button images and menu images.
Using SWFSheet you will learn to export the PNG image sequence for your flash animation (SWF). Later on, using Texture Packer, you will create a sprite sheet out of this PNG sequence and add any other image you may need for the game.