ABAP Preview – Video Lesson 10.4: SAP BAPI

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This lesson deals with the importance as well as the search for and use of SAP BAPIs.

Business Objects and BAPIs

  • The Business Object Repository (BOR) of the SAP system contains business objects. Formally, a business object is a class and corresponds to a SAP table or a table hierarchy. A Business Object has BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) as methods.
  • You can call these BAPIs to access the corresponding table(s). Hence, a BAPI is a means of accessing the data of the SAP system.

BAPIs usually exist for basic functions of a business object, such as:

  • . Creating an object
  • . Retrieving the attributes of an object
  • . Changing the attributes of an object
  • . Listing the objects

The functions of a BAPI are encapsulated in a function module that can be called up remotely. Therefore, BAPIS can be called by ABAP programs of the same SAP system as well as by external programs.


There are standard methods in the form of BAPIs with standardized names. Some of the most important standard BAPIs are:

Standard BAPIs:

  • GetList
    • Returns a list of available objects that meet the specified selection criteria.
  • GetDetail
    • Returns detailed information (attributes) for an object (the complete key must be specified).
  • Create, Change, Delete, Cancel
    • Allows you to create, change, and delete objects
  • AddItem, RemoveItem
    • Adds and removes subobjects (for example, item for an order)

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Video Lesson 10.3: SAP ALV Grid Control

Video Lesson 10.3: SAP ALV Grid Control

This lesson will teach you about the ALV Grid Control. This is the most common control used to display reports on the screen. ALV Grid controls can summarize, show totals and subtotals and print your report or export it to Excel.

Application Example: ALV Grid Control

  • ALV Grid Control, also called SAP List Viewer (ALV) is used for displaying an internal table on a screen. It has numerous user functions.
  • On the screen, the user can vary the width of the columns, or the width can be automatically adjusted to the current data. The display position of the columns can also be changed by means of drag-and-drop.

The standard pushbuttons of the control can be used to execute, among others, the following functions:

  • The detailed display shows the fields which were previously selected.
  • The sorting function provides the user with the option of specifying complex sorting criteria
  • You can use the search function for searching for a character string.
  • You can form totals for one or each of several numerical columns.
  • You can also Print and Download with the corresponding pushbuttons.
  • The user can save his or her settings in the Grid Control as a display variant and reuse them at a later time.

Video Lesson 10.2: ABAP Methods

Video Lesson 10.2: ABAP Methods

Many new functions are delivered with the SAP standard version as classes
or methods. This lesson will provide you with a short introduction into
object-oriented programming and then show you how you can find existing
classes and methods in the SAP System and how you can use them from within
your program.

Working with Global Classes and Methods

  • To be able to use the classes and methods that exist in the SAP System, we must first understand some basic terms used in object-oriented programming.

Classes and Objects

  • A class is a formal description of objects (instances).
  • At runtime, you can create several instances of a class, all of which have their own attributes and methods.
  • You can access corresponding attributes of an instance by calling an instance method.
  • Classes can be defined either locally within a program or globally in the class library.
  • SAP has shipped - with the standard version - many global classes with methods that encapsulate the required functions for reusability. Hence, these classes and methods also belong to the reuse components.
  • Hint: Global classes can be found using the standard search tools SAP Application Hierarchy and Repository Info System. ->

Video Lesson 10.1: ABAP Function Modules

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 10.1: ABAP Function Modules

In this lesson, you will learn how to create and use function modules. As an example, you will call a function module for the encapsulation of a SELECT in your program.

Working with Function Modules

A function module is a subroutine with the corresponding function that is centrally stored in the Function Library of the SAP system. Each function module has an interface for importing or exporting parameters. The main purpose of function modules is their reusability. Hence, they belong to the so called reuse components.

Function group

Function modules are organized into function groups. Each function group is a collection of function modules that have similar functions and/or process the same data.

A function group can contain the same components as an executable program. These include:

The interface of a function module can contain the following elements:

  • Import parameters: They can receive the values or variables of the calling program when the function module is called.
  • Export parameters: The calling program accepts the output of the function module through the assignment of a “receiving variable”.
  • Changing parameters: It is possible to pass the variables of the calling program that are changed by the function module to the changing parameters.
  • Exceptions: They can be triggered by the function module in certain error situations and provide information on the respective processing error in the function module.