Preview – ABAP for SAP HANA: Code To Data Paradigm

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What is a programming paradigm?

A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming, serving as a way of building the structure and elements of computer programs.

In simple words, a paradigm is a programming style, following a set of rules or ideas.

What is the ‘code-to-data’ paradigm?

Code-to-data paradigm is basically a programming style in ABAP where you code to ‘push down’ data intensive computations and calculations to the HANA DB layer, instead of bringing all the data to the ABAP layer and then processing the data to do computations.

What does ‘Push down’ means?

We’ve learned that SAP HANA is not just a classical database, but it can
also perform calculations, search text, and data intensive operations.

Normally, all the intensive calculations are done in the Application Layer (AS ABAP).

You request all data from the database, and the database process your request and returns data.

With SAP HANA, you can perform intensive calculations on the data layer.

‘Push down’ means:

Coding in a way where you tell the data layer to perform the intensive calculations, or pushing down the code to the data layer.

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OO ABAP – Interfaces and Polymorphism

Interfaces are simply superclasses that cannot be instantiated, do not have an implementation part, and only have public components.
This video will teach you how to define and implement interfaces to use polymorphism in ABAP.


  • The only real difference between interfaces and inheritance is the role they play. The programming advantages are thus the same as for inheritance.
  • Interfaces differ from regular inheritance in their area of use. In terms of programming, there are hardly any differences, however.
  • From a technical point of view, interfaces are simply superclasses that:
    • cannot be instantiated,
    • do not have an implementation part,
    • and only have public components
  • In ABAP Objects, interfaces primarily serve to define uniform interfaces for services.
  • Interfaces contain no implementations.
  • In ABAP Objects, the same components can generally be defined in interfaces and in classes.

Use of Interfaces

  • Some typical use cases of interfaces are:
    • You want to allow for the option of having multiple classes implementing a service in different
      ways, but using the same method names.
      • With regular inheritance, you would define such a method in the shared superclass. However, if you cannot model a superclass suitably for inheritance, you need to define an interface and then define this method there.
    • Classes implement interfaces as follows:
      • The interface name is listed in the definition part of the class with the INTERFACES statement. This must be in the PUBLIC SECTION, that is, interfaces can only be implemented publicly.
      • The interface methods must be implemented in the implementation part of the class.
      • The components defined in the interface can be addressed in the implementation part of the class.

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Preview – OO ABAP: Narrowing and Widening Cast

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Learn the difference between narrowing (upcast) and widening (downcast) cast in ABAP.
This video will teach you how to implement both, and when to use them in a real case scenario.

Narrowing Cast

Variables of the type “reference to superclass” can also refer to subclass instances at runtime.
For example:


DATA lv_vehicle TYPE REF TO zcl_vehicle.


DATA lv_truck TYPE REF TO zcl_truck.

*narrowing cast

lv_vehicle = lv_truck.

  • The term upcast is also common.
  • The subclass always contains at least the same components as the superclass.
  • The user can therefore address the subclass instance in the same way as the superclass instance.
  • However, it is restricted to using only the inherited components.
  • The view is thus generally narrowed. That is why we describe this type of assignment of reference variables as narrowing cast.
  • There is a switch from a view of several components to a view of a few components.

Practical Example

  • A typical use for narrowing cast assignments is to prepare for generic access.
  • A user, who is not at all interested in the finer points of the instances of the subclasses but who simply wants to address the shared components, could use a superclass reference for this access.
  • For example, a travel agency needs to manage all imaginable kinds of vehicles in one list.
  • This leads to the question of what type should be assigned to the internal table for the references of the different types of vehicles.

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Preview – OO ABAP: Constructors

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Constructors are methods that are generally called implicitly when a class is instantiated or defined.
This video will teach you about instance and static constructors in ABAP.


  • Constructors are methods that are not generally called explicitly (CALL METHOD  or its short form), but are called implicitly.
  • The constructor is a special instance method in a class and is always named CONSTRUCTOR. This abbreviated term actually means the instance constructor.
  • The constructor is automatically called at runtime with the CREATE OBJECT  statement.

A constructor is necessary when, after the instantiation of a class:

  • You need to allocate resources
  • You need to initialize attributes
  • You need to modify static attributes
  • You need to send messages containing the information that a new object was  created

Instance Constructors

  • Each class can have no more than one (instance) constructor
  • The constructor must be defined in the public area
  • The constructor’s signature can only have importing parameters and exceptions
  • When exceptions are raised in the constructor, instances are not created, so no main memory space is occupied
  • Except for one exceptional case, you cannot normally call the constructor explicitly
  • There is no destructor in ABAP Objects.

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Preview – OO ABAP: Classes, Attributes & Methods

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This simple example will show you how to define and implement classes, methods and attributes in ABAP.
Public and private visibility is explained as well as the difference between static and instance components.

This simple example will show you how to define and implement classes, methods and attributes in ABAP.
Public and private visibility is explained as well as the difference between static and instance components.

Classes, Attributes & Methods

  • The concept of classes is the foundation for all object-oriented thinking.
    • A class is a set of objects that have the same structure and the same behavior.
  • We will start with a simple demonstration, let’s create a class for our previous
    function group example, we will call it ZCL_VEHICLE.
  • Our class will have the following components:
    • ZCL_VEHICLE: Class Components:
      • Private Components:
        • Speed
        • Private Access, generally:
          • Attributes
          • Data Types
      • Public Components:
        • Increase_speed
        • Decrease_speed
        • Get_speed
        • Public Access, generally:
          • Methods
          • Events

Attributes can be one of three types:

  • Elementary
  • Structured
  • Table Type

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OO (Object Oriented) ABAP – Introduction


This video is an introduction to the new ways of thinking and the related concepts of OO (Object Oriented) ABAP.

An example of encapsulating data using a function group is presented, and the advantage of using OO ABAP instead of procedural programming is demonstrated.


  • Based on your existing knowledge of procedural programming with ABAP, I will explain the object-oriented approach using a Function Group.
  • I will illustrate one of the advantages of using object-oriented programming over procedural programming.
  • Let’s start by encapsulating data - a concept of the object-oriented programming mode – using a function group in ABAP.

Encapsulating Data: Speed

Function Group with functions to control the speed of a car.

FUNCTION-POOL zfg_vehicle.

*speed is a global variable

*used in the function-pool

DATA: speed TYPE i.

FUNCTION zfm_increase_speed.
ADD i_speed TO speed.


FUNCTION zfm_decrease_speed.
SUBTRACT i_speed FROM speed.


FUNCTION zfm_get_speed.
e_speed = speed.


Preview – ABAP for SAP HANA: Row Store Vs. Column Store

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Learn the difference between Row store and Column store, a new feature available for SAP AS ABAP 7.4 (or higher) on SAP HANA. As an ABAP developer you should know when to use the correct type of storage to obtain better performance results in your ABAP programs.

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ABAP Preview – Video Lesson 10.4: SAP BAPI

Learn ABAP

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This lesson deals with the importance as well as the search for and use of SAP BAPIs.

Business Objects and BAPIs

  • The Business Object Repository (BOR) of the SAP system contains business objects. Formally, a business object is a class and corresponds to a SAP table or a table hierarchy. A Business Object has BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) as methods.
  • You can call these BAPIs to access the corresponding table(s). Hence, a BAPI is a means of accessing the data of the SAP system.

BAPIs usually exist for basic functions of a business object, such as:

  • . Creating an object
  • . Retrieving the attributes of an object
  • . Changing the attributes of an object
  • . Listing the objects

The functions of a BAPI are encapsulated in a function module that can be called up remotely. Therefore, BAPIS can be called by ABAP programs of the same SAP system as well as by external programs.


There are standard methods in the form of BAPIs with standardized names. Some of the most important standard BAPIs are:

Standard BAPIs:

  • GetList
    • Returns a list of available objects that meet the specified selection criteria.
  • GetDetail
    • Returns detailed information (attributes) for an object (the complete key must be specified).
  • Create, Change, Delete, Cancel
    • Allows you to create, change, and delete objects
  • AddItem, RemoveItem
    • Adds and removes subobjects (for example, item for an order)

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ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

There are many ways to find out all the related transparent tables for specific events in SAP transactions. Let's take FI transaction FBL3N - as an example. FBL3N enables users to gather and display information on General Ledger Account line items. Users can view information on all items, or narrow the transaction to include open or cleared ones only. If we wanted to find out all the related tables for the information on all open items we could debug the transaction, or better yet, perform an SQL trace using transaction ST05.


  1. Open transaction FBL3N
  2. On a separate window, open transaction ST05.
  3. Check 'SQL Trace'.
  4. Click 'Activate Trace'.
  5. Go back to T-code FBL3N and execute.
  6. Go back to T-code ST05 and click on 'Deactivate Trace'.
  7. Click on 'Display Trace'.
  8. Analyze the log to obtain all the transparent tables used.

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