Video Lesson 5.9: ABAP Exercise – SFO Airport Flight Schedule

Learn ABAP

You will be creating a program that schedules flights to San Francisco Airport.

  • The San Francisco Airport implemented SAP and hired you to build a program to display the flight schedule of the airport. The program is going to be used by the different airlines working at the airport. They are not allowed to see other airlines flight schedule. You are ask to start with the AA airline. The front-desk workers will enter an airline and a flight number into the system, and the system will have to display all flight dates available with the available number of seats in first and business class.
  • The information is stored in the SFLIGHT, SPFLI and SCARR database tables.


Video Lesson 4.13: ABAP Exercise: Flight Information Report Summary

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 4.13: ABAP Exercise: Flight Information Report Summary

You will be creating a Flight Information report summary using everything you learned in this lesson.

Your assignment is to:

  • Modify the “Flight Report” created earlier so that it shows the Airline Code, No. Flight, Flight Date, Total amount of bookings, Total occupied seats, and Total free seats.
  • Create a structure for the report fields.
  • Make it possible to filter by Airline Code and Flight No.
  • Attach a search help to the input fields filters.

Video Lesson 2.9: ABAP Exercise: Flight Information Report

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 2.9: ABAP Exercise: Flight Information Report

This exercise marks the end of the lesson. You should now be able to create an ABAP report. Follow this example as I create a report that shows flight information.

Your assignment is to:

  • Create a program to list all related flight information.
  • Assign a transaction in the SAP easy access menu Favorites.
  • Organize the objects inside a package and release the development for transportation.