Video Lesson 2.2: Developing Programs and Organizing Developments

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 2.2: Developing Programs and Organizing Developments

In this lesson you will learn how to create programs, transaction codes and packages, and how to assign a Repository object to a package. You will also learn how development packages are implemented in the SAP environment using the ABAP Workbench.

Organizing Developments

Development projects are carried out in a development system. The development objects edited or created in a project are transported to subsequent systems (test and/or production system) on project completion.

  • At the start of a development project the project manager creates a change request in the Transport Organizer (Transaction SE01)
  • The Transport Organizer then creates a task for each developer in the change request.
  • When a development object is edited or created, the developer assigns this to the change request.
  • The object is entered into the task of the developer.
  • All repository objects that a developer works on during a project are collected within his or her task.