ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

There are many ways to find out all the related transparent tables for specific events in SAP transactions. Let's take FI transaction FBL3N - as an example. FBL3N enables users to gather and display information on General Ledger Account line items. Users can view information on all items, or narrow the transaction to include open or cleared ones only. If we wanted to find out all the related tables for the information on all open items we could debug the transaction, or better yet, perform an SQL trace using transaction ST05.


  1. Open transaction FBL3N
  2. On a separate window, open transaction ST05.
  3. Check 'SQL Trace'.
  4. Click 'Activate Trace'.
  5. Go back to T-code FBL3N and execute.
  6. Go back to T-code ST05 and click on 'Deactivate Trace'.
  7. Click on 'Display Trace'.
  8. Analyze the log to obtain all the transparent tables used.

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Video Lesson 5.5: Open SQL ABAP JOIN Statement

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 5.5: Open SQL ABAP JOIN Statement

Reading Data from Different Tables (JOIN)

There is often a requirement to read data from different tables and display it.

There are four types of reuse components that select data:

  • Logical databases (= data retrieval programs that read data from tables that belong together hierarchically)
  • Function modules (= subroutines stored in the function library of the SAP system with encapsulated functions, such as reading from hierarchically related tables)
  • BAPIs (= Methods of Business Objects with read function, for example)
  • Methods of global classes


  • If there are no useable reuse components available for your data selection, you have to implement the read access yourself. using a table join.
  • Let's read and output SPFLI records as an example
  • for each record, the long name of the respective airline, which is stored in SCARR, is to be output as well.
  • you can select all the required data using the SELECT statement.