Video Lesson 12.3: SAP Table Control

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 12.3: SAP Table Control

This lesson shows you how to create a table control on your screen. Table controls are used to display or edit data from a transparent table.

Create a Table Control

  • ABAP offers a mechanism for displaying and using table data in a screen.
  • These mechanism is table controls.
  • Table controls are types of screen tables you can add to a screen in the Screen Painter.
  • You have to declare a control variable of TYPE TABLEVIEW using CONTROLS statement in the ABAP program.
  • You can use the wizard to generate your ABAP code for your table control.

Video Lesson 7.3: ABAP Table Types

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 7.3: ABAP Table Types

You will learn how to create a table type object in the ABAP dictionary, this can be re-used in different programs to declare table type variables.

Table Types

  • Table types are construction blueprints for internal tables that are stored in the ABAP Dictionary.
  • When you create a table type in the ABAP Dictionary, you specify the line type, access type, and key.
  • The line type can be any data type from the ABAP Dictionary, that is, a data element, a structure, a table type, or the type of a database table
  • In an ABAP program, you can use the TYPE addition to refer directly to a table type. ->

Visibility of Global and Local Data Objects

  • Variables defined in the main program are global data objects.
  • They are visible (can be addressed) in the entire main program in every subroutine called.
  • Variables defined within a subroutine are called local, as they only exist in the relevant subroutine - just like the formal parameters.
  • The formal parameters and local data objects of a subroutine can not have the same names.