ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

ABAP Preview: Find related tables of SAP transactions

There are many ways to find out all the related transparent tables for specific events in SAP transactions. Let's take FI transaction FBL3N - as an example. FBL3N enables users to gather and display information on General Ledger Account line items. Users can view information on all items, or narrow the transaction to include open or cleared ones only. If we wanted to find out all the related tables for the information on all open items we could debug the transaction, or better yet, perform an SQL trace using transaction ST05.


  1. Open transaction FBL3N
  2. On a separate window, open transaction ST05.
  3. Check 'SQL Trace'.
  4. Click 'Activate Trace'.
  5. Go back to T-code FBL3N and execute.
  6. Go back to T-code ST05 and click on 'Deactivate Trace'.
  7. Click on 'Display Trace'.
  8. Analyze the log to obtain all the transparent tables used.

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Video Lesson 5.1: Read SAP Database Tables

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 5.1: Read SAP Database Tables

In this lesson you will learn how to retrieve information on database tables and how to read data from them. An overview of techniques that allow you to access multiple database tables will also be covered.

  • SQL is the abbreviation of Structured Query Language, a language that enables define, change, and read access to database tables.
  • Every relational database system has a native SQL, which is unfortunately database-specific.
  • In contrast Open SQL is an SAP-defined, database-independent SQL standard for the ABAP language.

You use the Open SQL statement SELECT to program database read access.

The SELECT statement contains a series of clauses, each of which has a different task:

  • Amongst other things, the SELECT clause describes which fields of the table are to be read.
  • The FROM clause names the source (database table or view) from which the data is to be selected.
  • The INTO clause determines the target variable into which the selected data is to be placed.
  • The WHERE clause specifies the columns of the table that are to be selected.

For information about other clauses, refer to the keyword documentation for the SELECT statement.

Video Lesson 3.2: How to create Tables

Learn ABAP

Video Lesson 3.2: How to create Tables

In this lesson you will learn how to create transparent tables to model your data.

  • In the ABAP Dictionary, a transparent table is an implemented description of the corresponding database table that contains the actual application data.
  • The fields of the transparent table form the identically-named columns of the corresponding database table.
  • Usually, a structure in the ABAP Dictionary is used to centrally describe structure variables that are to contain the fields of various tables.
  • You can then use these dictionary structures in the ABAP program to define data objects (concrete structure variables) that either serve as temporary data storage in the program or as an interface for the field transport between the screen and ABAP program.
  • With structures however, we refer to component and component type as opposed to field and data element, it is posible to have a structure as the component of another structure.